After profiling the over the top conspicuously consumptive windows at Bergdorf's, I thought it would be fun to show you what's going on over at
Barney's, where they are having a green holiday. And by green, I mean organic starting with Rudolph the Recycling Reindeer above. Each window is chock full of cans and bottles the Barney's team ending up buying from the homeless of the Lower East Side. Only in New York!

In a stroke of marketing genius, the fine folks at Barney's have also married the window theme to the "gorgeous green gifts, fabulously fair-trade fashion, sensationally sustainable swag, orgasmic organic denim and cashmere, environmentally conscious tchotchkes" available in the stores, catalog and on the

You can even check out a fun
interview with the elf behind it all, window dresser Simon Doonan on New York magazine's website that was conducted by socialite about town, Fabiola Beracasa. I actually walked by the store when they were filming him which was pretty funny.

So do your part for the environment this holiday season and go green by buying something fabulously organic for your loved ones...or at least recycle that diet coke can!
***UPDATE*** You can also read an extended interview with Simon Doonan about the holiday windows in the new December/January issue of Domino magazine.
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