Last night, I had the privilege of attending a little soiree at the showroom of Belgium born fashion designer Jonathan Riss who's label is named
Jay Ahr, after the phonetic pronunciation of his initials. Most of the guests were speaking en français since Mr. Riss also works and has a showroom in Paris. The most amazing part of the space is that he had the plasterers who work on the restoration of Versailles come and do his plaster! How does one even go about doing something like that?!

I was able to chat with the designer and learned that he loves the period of Louis XV mixed with modern elements like the custom designed side chairs and massive marble dining table in another room that he designed. He also mentioned that he is planning a book that will chronicle the evolution of his showroom. I will keep you posted as to when it is published. Oh, and did I mention he also creates beautiful dresses and jewelry and was serving Dom Pérignon?! Très chic! I know I will definitely be keeping my eye on this inspiring designer and you should too!
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