I guarantee that no client could get a hold of their interior designer last night to discuss their decorating emergency because everyone in the industry was at the
Williams-Sonoma Home store opening party! The place was packed with more than 800 guests and I ran into old friends and made a few new ones during the night. I was very excited to meet
Ron Marvin who's apartment is a favorite. I think my excitement might have scared him a little so sorry about that Ron!
Ashley Whittaker couldn't have been sweeter and also has a few bachelor clients which was funny to talk about! My friends wouldn't let me leave until I talked to my design idol
Steven Gambrel. He and I actually met briefly late last year so it was funny to give him my card and tell him that I styled it after his!
Eddie Ross and Ondine from
Top Design were also there, as were my friends from
Flair. So fun! I unfortunately missed getting a goodie bag though! I hope there wasn't anything too fabulous in it!

I was also very surprised that the team at Williams-Sonoma even knew about my blog, let alone that they were as excited to meet me as I was to meet them! Above are just some of their amazingly talented team from San Francisco including President Dave DeMattei, Patricia Sellman, Monelle Totah, Abigail Jacobs, and Kirsty Williams. Missing was Amanda who I hear is a big fan of my blog! (Sorry you couldn't make it! Email me and we'll chat!)

Williams-Sonoma Home is a welcome addition to the New York marketplace. We often source items from the catalog and online so it will be nice to now be able to go into the store to check things out in person. I especially loved the shagreen boxes and all the sparkly accessories! Stop by and see for yourself the next time you are near Columbus Circle! You won't be disappointed and then on your way out, you can pick up an espresso maker, bundt pan or cookbook in the regular Williams-Sonoma store. One stop shopping at it's finest!
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