"We have been insanely busy for three weeks installing five separate banks of holiday windows. We don't hire an outside company to design or install holiday windows for us, as most of the other big stores do (except Barneys). This is an in-house project through and through. We have only this store to worry about. No secondary stores or corporate rollouts. This allows us to attempt these "couture", one-of-a-kind installations and to work on them to the nth degree. I have a staff of five, but also many devoted freelancers, artists, and stylists who make all this happen. They take a year and half our resources to get ready."

Work in progress.

"There are banks of windows on other streets which are never mentioned by the press. We are very proud of the Men's store windows on 5th Avenue this year." I am definitely going to have to go back and take photos of the men's store soon and thank David and his team for their amazing creativity, hard work and dedication. Their windows are always my favorite for their over the top fantasy and I hope everyone who is able stops by to see their magic in person!
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