As much as I like Chanel, my heart belongs to
Hermès since we share an initial. Although these Crocodile suitcases that were posted on
Luxist don't have an H on them, they still have me seriously swooning! They were made in the 1930's for Karen Blixen who wrote
Out of Africa under the name Isak Dinesen. Hermès unearthed them in their archives and they think that since they were never used they must never have been sent to her in Kenya. The sterling silver and tortoiseshell pieces are engraved with a crown and the initials DBF which stands for Dineson Blixen-Finecke, a combination of her maiden and married names. If you also happen to have the same initials, word has it that they can be yours for the right price. I'd actually be willing to change my initials to own such beautiful specimens of craftsmanship! They certainly put most people's beat up roller bags to shame. But, as we all know, travel is definitely not what it used to be. Le sigh.
"The entire being of a woman is a secret which should be kept” - Isak Dinesen
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