He Who Seeks Beauty...

"He who seeks beauty shall find it." - Bill Cunningham

I've been trying to figure out how to broach a certain topic on the blog recently and I think the time has finally come.  I was really disappointed in some of you who emailed and left comments harshly criticizing the looks of the women I posted recently. First, I don't like negative emails about anything first thing in the morning.  It's not a great way to start the day. Second, it goes against everything that this blog stands for. All I try to do each day is put something pretty out in the world.  If I've posted a picture of a house or a person, it's because I find something beautiful in it or them.

That's not to say that everything is perfect or that all of you will like it, but I hope that you might stop and look for something to appreciate about it.  Perhaps the design style is not yours but you can see that you like the paint color or the sofa. So when someone immediately says they hate something or worse, makes a derogatory statement about someone's looks, a person who I might actually know personally, I take offense to that remark. 

Think for a second how you would feel if you read something not nice about yourself on the internet.  I've been there and it's not good. I've also heard from friends who've read things written about themselves by people who've never met them that have made them cry.  It's why I won't post comments that are mean or could hurt someone's feelings.  

Recently, Jezebel offered $10,000 for unretouched photos of Lena Dunham's Vogue photo shoot. They turned what should have been a pretty exciting time for her into a circus.  She handled it publicly with aplomb but who knows how she was feeling behind the scenes. No one should have to be subjected to that just because they aren't a size 2. And as someone pointed out, you could just watch Girls on HBO to see the unretouched Lena. 

One of the reasons I can't wait to spend more time in Paris is because Europeans see beauty in everyone.  They genuinely see what makes a person beautiful even the imperfections.  Where as most Americans look for all the imperfections that they think make someone not beautiful. 

As I stated in my post 10 Little Things, I think we should abide by The Golden Rule more often in our daily lives. And if we strive to seek beauty instead of flaws, it might just make this world a more beautiful place too. 


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